Thursday, 12 August 2010

Two weeks' worth of post!

I've been slacking, there are no two ways about it. This post, then, will have to cover a couple of weeks of practices and our AGM. I don't want to write these out chronologically, because that would be really boring, so here are the main things that have happened:

I scored my first points as jammer!:
During the practice before last, when it was my turn to don the starred helmet panty, I finally broke through the pack, and then managed to score 3 points against the other team. The jam ended before I could get past the last blocker and the other jammer had scored more points, but I'm off the mark!

I hurt my knee!:
During that same practice, I was involved in a pileup with my knee scrunched underneath me. So when I continue to whinge about my knee, you know what caused it.

Last week, for the first time I got through the pack first, becoming lead jammer, then managed to score 4 points against a jammer from another league, who was kept at bay by my team's blockers. Calling off the jam was such a great feeling, like a real rollergirl or something. Add to that the fact that we had one of our refs-in-training (Rick 'n' Roll) running our scrimmage, and it all seems to be coming together now.

We had a night out!:
At the end of July, 11 of us met up for a lovely tapas meal at Ortega in Central Milton Keynes, before moving on for drinks and dancing at Pink Punters. It was a really good evening and we had such a great time. Hopefully we're going to make these nights a regular thing, maybe every other month, so watch out for us around the town!

I... er... caused a pileup:
Not proud of this one. A failed T-stop at the end of mine and Diamond d'Ville's relay lap send me crashing into the girls at the back of the line, and they went flying, with one girl (one of our Emmas), falling backwards to land on the wheels of another fallen skater. I felt - and still feel - awful about that, and the fall I caused by convincing Cerebrawl Vortex to try and jump cones at the disco. I need to be more careful, perfect my stopping skills, and stop causing injuries. Oh, and note to self: "Go on, it'll be fine!" is only useful and motivational if it does, ultimately, end up being fine, If it doesn't, then MAJOR GUILT will happen. Self, you have been warned.

We had photos taken!:
We were lucky enough to have a photographer come and document our last practice, and hopefully I'll be able to put a few of them up on here soon. Keep your eyes peeled! Until then, there is a little taster in my new profile picture...

I became a director!:
Yeah, you read that right. I, Claudia Faceoff, have been entrusted, along with 5 others, as directors of our baby league. The AGM was a huge success, with TWENTY of our girls in attendance, which is ridiculously awesome. Most of the content of the meeting was necessary legal paperwork, but we did get some feedback on the alternate logo designs and choose our directors, so that team is now:
The Duchess - Chair
Red Button - Vice Chair
Beltane Wytch - Secretary
Bibi Dahl - Finance Director
Tracy - Director
and me.
How exciting! Watch out, derby world: the Cows are on our way...

I'm going to leave it there for now, and promise to try and update this more regularly from now on.


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